Most influential designers #10 Sean Adams

As part of their 50th-anniversary survey GDUSA published a top ten list of the most influential graphic designers working today (amongst other creative professions). For the next 10 weeks, I’m going to work, in reverse order, through these top ten designers and establish just what it is that makes them so damn great and more importantly display some of their best works.
Who is Sean Adams?
Sean Adams is the Chair of Undergraduate and Graduate Graphic Design at ArtCenter College of Design, founder of The Office of Sean Adams, and
Co-founding AdamsMorioka in 1994, being recognised all the big competitions and publications including; AIGA, The Type Directors Club, The British Art Director’s Club, and the New York Art Director’s Club and building a client list including; ABC, Adobe, Gap, Nickelodeon, Sundance, Target, USC, and The Walt Disney Company definitely contribute toward Adams’ success and reputation. But now all that wordy stuff is out the way, let’s take a look at some of his and his company’s work.

We are very strict about quality, presentation and content, but, of course, there is always the AdamsMorioka touch of fun.
Sean Adams

It’s clear to see from AdamsMorikoka’s work that there is a certain consistency in style, a style that is frequently emulated and encapsulates what we think of as ‘graphic design’. If someone were to ask for something typically ‘graphic-design-y’ the resulting work would most likely present itself very much in the AdamsMorikoka style.
GraphicRiver and numerous other user-contributory design template sites are flooded with variations on the style and it works, it’s clean, corporate, inoffensive and visually pleasing.
If you’re interested to see how we’ve been influenced by famous designers take a look at our Web design service page.