Make money while you sleep with the
D5 Sales Automator

An integrated full-stack digital marketing service tailored to your business. The Sales Automator drives sales on autopilot, making you money and freeing up your time.
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Ready to transform your business with a marketing sales system?

The D5 Sales Automator is all about making your life easier. Imagine having a talented team of experts building your own marketing sales system that’s dedicated to generating profits for your business!

1) Start with a solid strategy for your marketing sales system
Different businesses require different marketing strategies, that's why we begin each campaign with a personalised plan that's optimised for your industry and individual business goals.
2) Build a sales funnel with an emphasis on conversions
Based on your marketing plan, we'll build out your full sales system complete with traffic generators, landing pages, email sequences, sales pages, sales videos, and optimised checkouts.
3) Optimise and scale based on user data and sales
Once your new Sales Automator has launched, it's time to optimise based on real-world users. Using a combination of A/B testing and analytics, your system can be tuned up for maximum sales.

Does your business generate enough new enquiries?

Download our free guide to learn the secrets to a successful website project, featuring advice and tips that you can implement straight away.
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Increase your revenue

Predictable sales bring stability to your business

If you're relying on hope as a marketing strategy, it's probably not turning out great, right? The odd bits of random marketing might have got you a few wins but it's not reliable.

Implementing a sales system for your business will start generating consistent and reliable results online.

How does a marketing sales system work for your business?

Whilst every business is different, the general premise of sales systems remains the same, take people who have never heard of you, guide and nurture them until they are ready to buy, and then retain them as fans of your company.

Stage 1


Your perfect customers are out there, start attracting them with with the right message and creatives on Ads, Social, SEO and landing pages.

Stage 1

Stage 2


The days of pushy sales are behind us, it’s better to nurture, provide value and build trust with customers using email, video and personalisation.

Stage 2

Stage 3


Having built awareness and trust in your business, provide your potential customer with a great offer, retargeting people who are not quite ready to buy.

Stage 3

Stage 4


It’s 60-70% easier to sell to existing customers than new ones. Retention and reactivation email sequences will keep people primed to buy.

Stage 4

Stage 5


Once you’ve wowed your new customers with your product and service, they’ll be prompted for reviews and user-generated content that helps attract even more customers.

Stage 5
Sales System

Marketing components that work together in unison

The Sales Automator combines a range of marketing services together into a system that guides your customers from discovery through to purchase. Each step of the funnel features automation, allowing it to run with minimal human input.
Funnel Design & Strategy
We'll design your sales system based on your industry and goals.
Social Ads & PPC
Ad account management and a range of ad creatives are designed.
Sales Page Design
High-converting sales pages are designed for your products.
Sales Videos
Great looking sales videos that help to improve authority and trust.
Email Marketing
Sales and Nurturing emails are expertly designed to boost your conversions.
Automations & Data
Connect with a wide range of industry-leading marketing and CRM platforms.
Sales Automator process

A sales system process developed to maximise your business success

From visual funnel planning right through to sales reports, our five-stage process includes everything you need to feel confident in your sale system.

Stage One

Discovery & Research

Schedule a free 15-minute introductory call with us and we’ll help you define your marketing goals, creative needs and budget. If you think we'll be a good fit for your business, we’ll use the information provided during this call, alongside additional industry research to develop a marketing proposal for your business.
Stage Two

Planning & Content

Based on industry and customer research, we'll develop a strategy for maximising the success of your Sales Automator system. We'll map out your system using our interactive funnel software, enabling you to visualise how it all works together.
Stage Three

Build & Creative

Using the latest technology, we build out your full sales system complete with traffic generators, ad creatives, landing pages, email sequences, sales pages, sales videos, and optimised checkouts.
Stage Four

Testing & QA

All aspects of your Sales Automator system are triple checked including sales copy, design and technical functionality. We'll add any finishing touches along with tracking and analytics ready for the launch.
Stage Five

Launch & Optimise

Once your Sales Automator is launched, we'll keep an eye on all the incoming data, split tests and conversion rates, making optimisations to the system to maximise sales efficiency.

Chat to Gav about your next marketing project

01484 612112

Marketing Support

We're here to help you grow your business

Generating consistent and reliable sales for your business is what we're passionate about, that's why we're always on hand to support you and provide a monthly marketing mastermind.

Frequently asked questions

Still not sure? We're here to answer any questions you have about D5* and what we can do for your business.

Our Sales Automator systems start from £10k but it really depends on your sales goals and how quickly want to scale.

Ad spend is intended to scale with sales and as such is not included in the initial development investment.

Most businesses DO have something to sell online they just haven't thought of it yet. We can help you adapt your offerings to be salable online or you may be better suited to our Lead Generation system that provides a more traditional sales process.

Yes, we can advise you on the type of strategies that work for your industry.

You'll have access to our live funnel platform where you can see what's happening in real-time. You will also receive regular summarised reports of your vital metrics. 

This depends on the size and complexity of the funnel. A standard build can be done within 3-4 weeks. A larger build will take longer which is why we create an individual plan for every client that includes planned timescales.

Get consistent and reliable sales for your business with a Sales Automator

Just click the button below, let us know some details about your business and one of our team members will be in touch.